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Hire Smarter.

Your search for the perfect hiring tool ends here.

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Forget keyword matching. Parcv understand
your job requirements like a seasoned recruiter.
We don't just count words

Turns hundreds of resumes into top matches

candidate matching

How It Works

Create Your Job Post Fill in the job title, location, and description. Our AI will extract the key requirements for you.

Create Job Post

Customize Requirements Fine-tune the AI-generated requirements to ensure they accurately reflect the skills and qualifications needed for the role. These requirements will be used to evaluate and rank applicants.

Create Job Post

Dive Deeper (Optional) With basic info auto-extracted, you can now ask a few optional questions that dig deeper into a candidate's fit for the role, ensuring you get the insights you need without compromising the easy apply process.

Create Job Post

Share Your Job Post We'll provide you with a unique URL to share on LinkedIn, social media, your company website, or anywhere else you'd like to attract top talent.

Create Job Post

The Applicant Experience

10x Faster Application

key details like name, email, phone number, work history, skills, qualifications, location, etc... are automatically extracts saving candidates time by eliminating lengthy forms.

Your Hiring Dashboard

PARCV's intuitive dashboard presents applicants in a clear, organized format, with AI-generated matching scores sorting your applicants from "Perfect fit" to "Maybe in another lifetime"

Hiring Dashboard

Ready to Streamline Your Hiring?

Sign up today and experience the power of AI-driven recruiting.

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